Forest visitors

by Jackie FineArt
Forest visitors
Jackie FineArt
Photograph - Photograph
Photograph July 2012
Horses in the forest / The Netherlands
February 28th, 2014
Similar Subjects
Comments (28)

Gary F Richards
Excellent animal composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L voted for this piece in the contest TWO ANIMALS

Jackie Mestrom
Thank you very much to the buyer from Reddick, FL - United States, for buying my greetingcards "Forest visitors" :-)

Jackie Mestrom
Thank you very much to the buyer from Yelm, WA - United States, for buying a greetingcard from "Forest visitors" :-)

Jan Dappen
revisiting to congratulate you on your feature in the Road to Self Promotion....well deserved!

Jackie Mestrom
Thank you very much Mariola Bitner for the feature in the Wildlife ONE A DAY group :-) Thank you very much Robert Harmon for the feature in the Nature Photography 1 Per Day group :-)

Jackie Mestrom
Thank you very much Anne Rodkin for the feature in the Road to self promotion group :-)